God Overcomes
Dear Christ's Church Family,
As we step into the New Year, we have so much to be thankful for – the Lord has been faithful! The year 2024 brought its own mix of challenges and blessings, and through it all, we have remained united in faith, love, and devotion to Jesus. We have witnessed the grace and mercy of the Lord in answer to the many prayers for our country. God has granted us a temporary and undeserved reprieve!
Jesus, in Luke 21:36, enjoins us to always be on watch and to pray. In Matthew 26:41, He cautions us to watch and pray, so that we will not fall into temptation, for the spirit is willing but the body is weak. To be led by the Holy Spirit, rather than our old, sinful nature, we must be prayerful and watchful. Watching and praying will produce spiritual discernment, growth and strength.
The prayerless are powerless in the face of tests, trials, temptations and the increasingly ferocious attacks of the Evil One. Revelation 12:12 teaches us that the devil is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.
Though the Lord has graciously given us an undeserved reprieve, Satan will violently resist us at every turn. Despite much strong opposition, the apostle Paul persevered by fearlessly preaching the gospel with great boldness and conviction. (1 Thessalonians 2:3)
Like Aaron and Hur, let us lift up the arms of our fellow believers in the midst of their battles, so they will fix their eyes on their Lord and Deliverer, who is the author and perfector of their faith. It is the Lord who gives us faith to withstand any attacks of the Adversary. Like Moses, may they worship and thank God for the victory that only He can bring!
A great spiritual war between good and evil has been raging in the heavenlies. It will be intensifying in 2025. This war is being fought on several fronts: social, political, economic and spiritual spheres. Yet, we need not fear, for the battle is the Lord’s! Exodus 15:3 reveals that the LORD is a warrior!
Jesus teaches in John 16:33, that in Him we will have peace. Though in this world we will have trouble, we must take heart – Jesus has overcome the world! First John 5:4 says that everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith! Jesus has overcome the world. We, as children of God, have overcome the world, and so has our faith! This means that God has placed within us everything we need to overcome, prevail and subdue the world! For the believer – where there is trouble, there is triumph!
The spiritual climate over America has shifted significantly as much of the heaviness and oppression has lifted. James 4:7 instructs us: “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” The Greek word translated “resist,” means to oppose or take a “stand” against. We must “push back” vigorously and persistently against the lies, accusations and discouragements of the Evil One. Paul teaches in Ephesians 6, that we must put on the full armor of God so that in the day of evil, we will be able to stand our ground – and after we have done everything, we will stand firm!
The eyes of many of our fellow citizens have been opened to the pervasive and destructive evil in our nation. They have resoundingly mandated a new direction for our country. Identity politics, political correctness, suppression of speech, censorship, cancel culture, moral depravity, violent crime, political corruption, greed, graft and woke culture have been rejected.
America is poised for a true spiritual revival, as so many are disillusioned with the world, the emptiness and futility of life, and the absence of meaning and purpose. Though the world is steeped in fear, turmoil and violence, there is a spiritual awakening taking place. I have not witnessed such a time of divine opportunity in my lifetime.
May 2025 be a year of unceasing prayer, worship, fellowship and service unto God. Let us put our hands to the plow and not look back to the past. There is much to be done in this new year. Plowing requires discipline, focus and effort. In ancient Israel, the farmer would first scatter the seed and then plow the field – thus breaking up the soil and covering over the seed. The seed is likened to the word of God. We scatter the seeds through the preaching of the Gospel and plow them under by praying for those who hear the message of salvation. Preaching and praying produce much fruit for the Kingdom of God!
May we have a renewed commitment to study and apply the word of God to our daily lives. Believers will be given many opportunities in 2025 to boldly and unequivocally proclaim the Gospel to family, friends, co-workers, neighbors and strangers!
As we embark on the New Year, let us carry the lessons we've learned from 2024 and resolutely apply them to our lives. Let us continue to faithfully seek the Lord’s guidance – trusting in His plan, which is always filled with hope and promise. May this year be one of renewal, growth, and a deeper spiritual walk with our Lord Jesus Christ.
May we all find joy in the journey, facing the many challenges of 2025 together – with the courage, grace and strength the Lord faithfully grants to His children. Let us shine as lights in the world – spreading God's word, love and compassion, to everyone we meet. May each divinely ordained encounter be infused with the agape love of Jesus Christ!
May you and your family enjoy a very healthy, happy and prosperous New Year, filled with the Lord’s richest blessings!
God bless you!
Pastor Paul